Another update . . .

Sunday, March 23, 2008

My supervisor spoke with me and a coworker on Friday and informed us that "administration" wants to have us (the two transcriptionists) off the payroll by July 1 - the start of the new fiscal year. She says this can be "extended" but that they are shooting for July 1. Isn't that lovely? She just comes in on a Friday (which is when managers are suppose to give employees bad news per administration - I found this out from another coworker) and says "by July 1, you might be out of a job". I have had warning that this was coming but now, with the fact that my DD is going to be having surgery, I am unsure what to do. I don't feel I can go into a new job (that is if I find a new job - they seem to be scarce these days) - and say "Oh - by the way - I need to have some time off soon". I am not sure that would go over too well with a new employer. I had such high hopes that this would be a good year - but so far - it sure hasn't been!!!
Sorry for being such a bummer - just wanted to share my wonderful news.


jadadog said...

Hi Stephanie! I will keep you in my thoughts, you sure have a lot going on! Just wanted to say I love the photos! {{{HUGS}}}

Miffy said...

Sorry to hear you and yours are going through such a rough time right now. Praying for a successful surgery and quick recovery for your daughter and some relief for your nerves. :(
I know it's cliche, but whenever one door closes, another one opens. May the next door you go through be full of opportunity, peace and happiness.